
Thursday 15 June 2017


                                                                My GRIEVANCE/THE FACT


I am a poor Tribe of Jharkhand state My qualification is B sc.Ten years before Govt of Jharkhand deprived me to join grade 4 Govt job in the same state which I passed through a competition written examination held on 20/08/2006,without any reason.

                                    CONTROVERSIAL   ARISED REASON/FALSE REASON


                                                     “QUALIFICATION BAR”


1)No qualification bar was available till the time of written examination  from Jharkhand Govt side after 20/08/2006 next month a qualification bar from(8—10) stander was presented from Govt side .See gazette—LETTER NO  -4800 of 06/09/06 Govt of Jharkhand.

2)An old incomplete qualification bar of (8---10) stander was declared of Govt of Bihar in advertisement .This qualification bar was already uplifted by Govt of Bihar when Hon Patna high court found its upper qualification bar unconstitutional See gazette-letter no—3577 of 25/09/97 Govt of Bihar.

                                 I framed a case in this matter against Govt of Jharkhand in Hon Jharkhand high court .The court had favor me.

                               After ten years I am still unable to join that job because Govt of Jharkhand denied me to give that job without any reason vs false reason .You can see my case detail in internet also---sushil kumar purty vs state of Jharkhand and others.

       I requested for justice from the following Heads of India-------

    1) Hon president of India

    2) Hon prime minister

    3) Hon chief justice of India

    4) Hon Governor of Jharkhand

   5) Hon chief minister of Jharkhand

   6) Hon chief justice of Jharkhand

   7) Lokayuct Jharkhand

   8) Kolhan  commissioner of Jharkhand

9) The MP of Jamshedpur.

                          Still no success came to me.

      Now I want to put my matter Lastly in—“INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE.”


NB----Spread this matter   to all over world.

Message----My all world”s friend pls HELP ME, FAVOR ME.

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